Sunday, June 28, 2009

The "One Sided" Convo

This is one of my favorite ways to "Cyber Stalk." The great thing about email address' is that you can create an infinite amount of them and they're all free. Besides that, they're virtually impossible to trace. In this method of getting someone fired, you can create a whole bunch of email accounts with various companies, i.e. gmail, yahoo, aol etc. then begin sending the person personalized emails with all sorts of illicit information or pictures. Send the emails with a bunch of personal information about their job and life so that there is no doubt that you know them. Also word them as if they are responses to emails sent to you. If the boss thinks that the person is asking for those emails it will surely get them fired. After you have sent a bunch of them to his or her work account, copy the boss onto one of them, and then add a couple other fake email addresses that are similar, to make it look like a typo i.e. (real boss) (fake email address). In the one you copy the boss on (or multiple ones), make sure you say something really negative about the boss in a responsive way.... like " Oh and by the way, I can't believe you have such an asshole boss! If I were you I would take a huge crap on his desk" This way the boss feels like your coworker has been talking crap about him, and he got lucky enough to be copied in on the conversation. Then hopefully the boss will check their email account and find a whole bunch of emails with porno, crude jokes about his or her spouse and sexual jokes about other co-workers. Even though there won't be any evidence that they sent any emails, if there are a slew of emails seemingly responding to their emails, the boss should be convinced that they have been using work time to send personal emails from their work account, and fire them! Below is an example of a response email...

" Hey John,

You're boss does sound like a shit head!!! I agree, a severe beating in the parking lot would at least let him know that you don't give a fuck! But you don't want to get fired, no matter how much you think it sucks! Did You talk to Chrissie the other day? Every time I think of her, I crack up! I'm still waiting for the day you try to get in her pants, no matter how fat you think she is haha. Well anyways, gotta go brother, call me later! Let me know how the Chrissie thing goes!


ps I attached those pictures of janice naked that you wanted! Tell me what you think! Babe huh?"

It can totally work, and personal involvement is almost completely unnecessary.
If your boss is a really proud person, it could result in a huge inter-office confrontation!

The boss could say, "Well since there is no proof of you actually sending the emails, I'll believe you are getting set up."

Summary: Overall I think this is a great method! It completely removes the actual victim from the equation. Even if there is no proof that they sent any emails, if you make the responses personal enough, it will just look like the other guy is deleting his sent mail box to hide his illicit emails. In addition to that, no one will ever discover that the emails being sent to you are actually from you (as long as you set the accounts up with fake names and contact email address')!

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